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The HDB Toilet Renovation in Sembawang Singapore is a huge change. This is a major remodel not just for your bathroom but also for your home. It’s an investment that can make all the difference in the world to you and your family.

The benefits of this are worth it: more sanitary, comfortable, and appealing bathroom renovation. Renovating doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive!

You may be surprised by how much of a difference these changes will make to you and those around you on a daily basis.


If you’re looking to turn things up a notch in terms of quality living, then this article has everything you need to know about making this big decision!

Here are 10 reasons why you’ll love the HDB Toilet Renovation Services with MyRenoDiary in Sembawang, Singapore!

1. Healthier.

The effects of a more sanitary and cleaner environment can not be ignored. Your family will have less health issues to deal with, simply because their environment is more sanitary!

This also makes the space much safer for children, the elderly or anyone who uses this bathroom on a regular basis. And that’ll be you!

If your home is prone to infection, this can also be a factor why. Take into consideration the people living in the house. any contagious diseases going around at the time?  Perhaps an illness that persists? There are many more reasons sanitary conditions control illnesses and infections, but for now we’ll only focus on that.

2. Less Bugs.

Due to the toilet renovation Singapore you’ll notice a significant decrease in the amount of bugs that infest your bathroom! 

This is an obvious result of improved sanitary conditions; cleaning up your bathroom means getting rid of places where these pesky little creatures can hide and breed.

Not only will this lead to more sanitary conditions, but you’ll also be able to stop worrying about the bugs crawling on you and into your skin.

3. More Space.

Although it may seem mundane at first glance, all of the extra closet space will help maximize your bathroom’s total functionality. There are few things worse than having a cramped space that forces you to keep your towels in the tub.

4. Increased Beauty.

With a well-designed new shower, you can transform a drab bathroom into something that will make guests gasp with admiration. An appealing layout will help add value to your home while making it more inviting and comfortable.

An attractive bathroom is one that has been given proper attention to detail. There are countless ways that you can add character and class to your space without having to break the bank. 

From small touches like installing new tiles or adding in lighting fixtures, personalizing your bathroom doesn’t have to cost a lot of money.


5. Proper Height.

The height of the toilet is another important factor you should consider when buying a new toilet. This will allow taller people to easily use it comfortably, without having to bend down or struggle in any way.

The better the height on your unit, the more likely you’ll be to stick with it long-term and not regret spending money on something that you don’t end up using.

In Sembawang, Singapore, we have the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). NSF is an organization that establishes health standards in many areas of sanitation. 

For example, NSF determined that for a toilet to be ergonomically safe and comfortable, it must be 17 inches off the ground minimum.

This ensures that everybody can use the toilet without having to bend down – regardless of their height or build. This is an important safety fixture, as toilets that are lower than 17 inches off the ground pose a serious risk for people who aren’t able to lift themselves up when they need to go!

6. Get Rid of Older Toilet Models.

If you currently have an older toilet in your bathroom, you might want to consider replacing it before the renovation toilet takes place.

Most older models come with grooves and ridges that harbor bacteria, which could make others sick if they aren’t properly cleaned.

Modern toilets are more comfortable to sit on, come in a variety of styles and colors, and may even have an automatic flush feature that will make it easier to use.

There are a wide range of composting toilets available today, but some people aren’t sure if they’re right for their home.

Installing a composting toilet in the bathroom can make an eco-friendly option for people with limited space.

While it does use a little bit of water, the warm temperature of waste makes it easy to compost on its own. Since Singapore is a tropical country, putting your waste in a pile outside or into worms will help stop odors and turn your waste into a soil additive.

7. Better Hygiene.

It’s no secret that poor sanitation and hygiene can spread diseases in the home. When you embark on your HDB toilet renovation, you’ll want to be sure to put a lot of effort into cleaning and sanitizing fixtures. 

Doing this will reduce germs throughout your home and make it much more pleasant for everyone around you.


8. Less Maintenance and Repair.

Taking care of home repairs can be an all-consuming endeavor that you simply don’t have time to take on if your schedule is packed to the brim. When you renovate your bathroom, however, you’re taking care of any issues that could lead to future repair work.

The more often problems are dealt with before they’re brought to your attention, the easier future repairs will be and the more money you’ll save. In fact, using this strategy could end up saving you a bundle on toilet repair in Sembawang Singapore, perhaps even as much as twenty percent!

9. Appealing to More Home Buyers; Value Increase.

A bathroom that is attractive and functional makes a home much more saleable, which equates to higher potential property value. This in turn leads to improved resale value on the part of every homeowner who invests in this renovation.

The time you spend renovating will result in a better-looking house that’s also worth more money should you ever want to sell it.

Go for the same clean lines and modern aesthetic that’s popular in current bathrooms. While it will result in little to no payback, your home is still worth more.

10. Enhanced Safety

A new HDB Toilet renovation from our services/product can significantly increase safety features in your home. It’s easier to clean and sanitize the entire bathroom more efficiently, reducing the risk of accidents & disease from harmful bacteria in your home.

Extra Reason

Energy Efficiency

Do you know that old toilets can waste up to 200 gallons a day? Older toilets are not efficient and can use up a lot of water.  Water is something that Singaporeans have to pay a lot for and wasting it unnecessarily means spending more on your water bill every month.

Sometimes, we take things for granted and don’t realize how much something costs until we receive the bill. By getting a newer toilet, you can cut down on the amount of water needed to fill up the tank, which can save you up to 200 gallons a month.

This can be even more helpful if you have a large household and don’t want your water bill to skyrocket every single month. Over the years, our HDB toilet design has evolved from having an in-built power flusher to being able to adjust the angle of the bowl to better suit our needs.

The study of physics has also allowed manufacturers to create a toilet that is water-efficient and cost-effective. With newer models, you’ll find that you can flush the toilet with less than 40 cents’ worth of water/flush and only around 2 gallons per flush.

Also, it’s been found that toilets are 30% quieter than before, which is a huge plus for those who prefer to relax in their bathroom as opposed to hearing the noisy hum of a power flusher. This means that you can concentrate on your work productively and not worry about needing earplugs when working from home.

Nowadays, many toilet manufacturers are marketing 3-in-1 toilets, which include a bidet function. This is amazingly helpful for those who suffer from hemorrhoids and for women who want to cleanse their private parts after using the bathroom.

The warm water can help soothe your skin and offer you much needed relief. A newer toilet will greatly be of assistance in ensuring that your overall sanitation is up to par. You will be free from the fear of bad odors and stains, and at the same time won’t have to put up with a dirty toilet!

Finally, when you have a nice-looking bathroom it brings out more potential buyers for your home because people tend to like homes that smell and look good.

When there’s no toilet, it can be quite a turn-off for someone who is trying to see the home for its potential, so by upgrading your toilets you may see more people wanting to buy your property.

In some cases, you can even get a rebate when purchasing a new 3-in-1 toilet that uses less water and helps conserve our scarce resources.


Bathroom Renovation Services in Sembawang

Your toilet It’s really mean-full to the aspect of living. With a newer toilet, you can find that they now have a cover or setting that will deodorize your odor. This means you won’t need to worry about embarrassing smells or your guests wrinkling their noses in disgust when they’re seated right next to the toilet.

If you have a sensitive nose, having this feature will make it that much more enjoyable for you and ensure that your bathroom remains clean and odor-free throughout the day.

MRD offers the Renovation Services for your HDB toilet in Sembawang Singapore, Check it out on our product page. Contatc us anytime 🙂 We’ll solve your HDB toilets problem.

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