My Reno Diary

Our team consists of experienced project managers, interior designers, in-house drafters, and trusted suppliers to provide the best possible interior design suited to homeowner’s need with optimized and budget friendly costs.

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Singapore 757087.
+65-6255 1010

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#01-04 Ubi Techpark,
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+65-6844 1010

10am – 9pm, Open Daily.

Photo by Milivoj Kuhar on Unsplash

When it comes to complaining about HDB noise, many people are pretty much at a dead end. And the reason is because there is no real solution to the problem. The sad thing about HDB noise is that not only does it affect you and your home, but it can also affect your neighbours. And while we all know that it is important to be nice to your neighbours, it’s also very important to do so in the right way.

Living in an HDB flat can be pretty noisy, especially when your neighbour is renovating. Here are four tips to help you avoid the noise:

1) Ask your neighbour to reduce the noise

You should first try to resolve the problem by talking to your neighbour. It can be really frustrating when the noise from your neighbour’s renovation disrupts your peace and quiet. However, it’s important to remember that they are probably just as frustrated by the noise as you are. 

You can explain that the noise is disturbing you and ask them to reduce it. Explain what is bothering you and suggest ways in which they could solve the problem. If possible, talk to your neighbour at a time when there is less noise from their work so that they are more likely to be in a good mood. You can also write to your neighbour, outlining the problem and asking them to resolve it, such as coming to an agreement on working hours when doing the renovation.

2) Be aware of your children

If you have a child in the house who is upset by the noise, be aware that some children may find it difficult to express their distress. Make sure that your children are aware of how to ask for help if they feel distressed or upset by excessive noise from neighbours’ renovation works.


3) Try going out when the renovation starts

If you are experiencing excessive noise from your neighbours’ renovation works, try to avoid turning up your own music or the television. Try going for a walk, reading a book or spending time with friends and family instead. Since noise is cumulative, the noise will only get worse if you continue to turn up the volume.

4) If the noise continues, contact your town council or HDB

Your neighbour must have sent out notice of renovation to neighbours of your HDB flat. If they don’t follow the hdb renovation rules, you can send complaints to your town council or HDB. Your town council will act as the middleman between you and your neighbour. If they don’t receive any response from your neighbour, they will inform them to stop work or use quieter equipment until 11pm.

You can also contact HDB for help with noise complaints on renovation works conducted by the owner or tenant of the flat directly above or below your unit. In addition, HDB will investigate complaints about renovation works conducted by the owner or tenant of the unit next to yours.

Writing Complaint by Email

You can make a noise complaint to HDB by writing an email. In your email, include the following information:

– Your name and NRIC/FIN number

– The address of your HDB flat

– The date and time when the noise started

– The type of work that is being carried out

– The name and contact number of the contractor carrying out the renovation work

– The name and contact number of the supervisor

– The name and contact number of the building manager/flat owner

If you cannot make a noise complaint to HDB, you can call the NEA hotline at 6225 5632


More Renovation Tips on My Reno Diary

We know that redecorating a home can be a daunting task. That’s why we offer a consultation to help you figure out what works best for you, and then provide a detailed proposal with optimized and budget friendly costs. At My Reno Diary, we take the hassle out of redecorating your home. As seasoned interior designers and ex-contractors, we understand what it needs for a comfortable renovation of your flat. We have experienced project managers, interior designers, in-house drafters, and trusted suppliers to provide the best value for your home!

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